I create one-of-a-kind creatures, handcrafted one by one, so that you can feel the place where they live, such as the smell of soil and wind, the feel of waves, etc. The materials used are stone clay and Jesmonite, a water-based resin, and the artist strives to create works that are considerate of the human body and the environment.



▶トレフェスオンライン/版権フィギュア通販 9/7.8 ▶カフェギャラリーきのね周年展(大阪) 9/6-10 ▶ケモノとひと時音楽祭 -阪神・淡路大震災復興祈念- 『いきもにあマルシェ』(神戸)9/14 ▶いきもにあ(京都)10/26.27 ▶デザインフェスタ(東京)11/16.17
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